League of War Wiki
Hamilcar II
Rank 4, Level 50
Rank 4, Level 50
Rank 4, Level 50
Rank 4, Level 50
Primary Statistics
Minimum Maximum
Attack 3212 14407
Defense 3238 14524
Overall 4199 19338
Secondary Statistics
Minimum Maximum
Damage 780 3498
Fire Rate 0.80/s
Range 15
Area Effect N/A
Health 1560 6996
Armor 100 448
Move Speed 6
Recharge 18

Heavy. Fast and powerful.


Offensive: This unit can deal a devastating amount of damage against Recon units. Combined with a moderate fire rate and move speed, this unit is capable of decimating the battlefield if left unchallenged.

Defensive: This unit is particularly vulnerable to Air and Tank units. Long-range Infantry units (such as the Hastatus Sniper) are also effective at countering this unit.


The Hamilcar II is the armored variant of its family making it more durable and tough to kill on the field.

Where to Obtain[]

  • Bronze, Silver & Gold Chests


See also[]

