League of War Wiki

Recruit Codes are provided to every player who registers with League of War. By sharing the Recruit Code through various social mediums (such as e-mail, text or facebook), players can obtain a selection of in-game rewards.

We recommend that you use this page to post your Recruit Code into the comments, so as to reduce comment clutter elsewhere.

Please Note: While some players have reported the existence of "Glitched" codes, please be aware that their discussion is prohibited by the Community Rules.

Do Not Insert Recruit Codes outside of this Page or you will be warned to stop spamming these codes, Refusing to Cooperate will result in a short ban from all Communications.

Recruit Code Example: MF-06X-J0-90E

Additionally, the player may acquire $100,000,000,gold bars and an 😀 by entering another player's Recruit Code
